TapeTx Medical Taping Technique




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    TapeTx Medical Taping is a new taping technique based on the patented tape technology of "TapeTx intermittent glue free area over directional elastic material". It is applied to solve the problems of snoring and breathing interruption during sleeping which bothers lots of people. The indications include: 

1. Snoring and sleeping interruption
2. Mouth open breathing which leads to tooth and face shape changing
3. Poor concentration due to poor sleeping quality

     TapeTx Medical Taping is designed to help people having mild to moderate degree of listed problems. Because the medial issues have to be solved in advance, TapeTx Medical Taping should be applied only after a medial doctor's evaluation.

     This website provides guidelines for people with or interested in solving snoring and sleeping problems. If you are interested in how TapeTx can help on Sports Medicine, please visit www.sportscrosstaping.com.

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